For children
Cross linked polyethylene foam can be used to manufacture toys for any age. The Palziv Baltic offers the ability to create your own custom toy designs.
The toys that can be made from foam is surprisingly large, and many toys made of other materials can be replicated with foam. The biggest benefit of foam toys is safety. The durable, soft forms are non-toxic and do not have sharp corners, hard edges or the potential to snap, shatter or break. Instead, foam can be squeezed, stretched, twisted and pulled on. Because of this, Cross Linked polyethylene foam is an excellent material for creating toys to play with.
Durability and safety of Cross Linked polyethylene foam makes it such a useful material for long-lasting toys industry.
We do supply tailored made toys and row materials ready to use for manufacturing foam toys. Polyethylene foam can be supplied in rolls and blocks adjusted in to your required dimensions. Palziv Baltic cooperates with foam converters, whole sellers and retailers.